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Resort Activities

Cost per person
US $55

Junior Master Chef

Sri Lankan food is flavorful, spicy, colorful and incredibly delicious. You will definitely crave it when you are back home. So, here’s an opportunity to learn more about Sri Lankan cuisine and to pick up a few great recipes!

Duration: 3 hours

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Cost per person
US $80

Cooking Class with a Grocery Hunt

Sri Lankan food is flavorful, spicy, colorful and incredibly delicious. You will definitely crave it when you are back home. So, here’s an opportunity to learn more about Sri Lankan cuisine and to pick up a few great recipes!

Duration: 3 hours

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Cost per person
US $40

Visit a Modern Day Local Village

Today we have an up close and personal visit to a modern day village that is 10 minutes from the hotel As we enter the village we will find curious locals sharing a warm smile and small children waving their hands.

Duration: 1.5 hours

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Cost per person
US $35

Written in the Stars

Sri Lanka is a destination with a rich history of over 2500 years. Sri Lanka’s first kingdom Anuradhapura, reined from the 3rd century BC to11th century AD.

Duration: 1 hour

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Cost per person

The Games Children Play

Croquet, checkers, chess, board games…. Sounds familiar? These are some of the recreational activities offered to kids in most hotels around the world. We at Water Garden want to introduce our guests to how locals spend their past time, the games the local’s children play.

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Cost per person
US $20


Whether it's your first time or pastime of choice, archery is a brilliant way to spend a few intense hours, either honing your skills or having some fun with a bull's eye target.

Duration - 1 hr

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Cost per person
US $5

Cycling within the property

Fresh air, a wonderful landscape, and its winding waterways are just some of the reasons to consider a bike ride on the trails inside the hotel premises.

Duration - 2 hrs

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Cost per person
US $45

Cookery Demonstration

A gastronomic guide to Sri Lankan cuisine with in-house experts. Offering an excellent introduction to local cuisine and the art of preparation.

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Cost per person
US $20


This traditionally British pastime is an excellent way to have hours of fun outdoors with family and friends, while also enjoying the lush gardens and impressive scenery.

Duration - 1 hr

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